
Navigating (Not So) Ordinary Time

Jesus Teaching

ow it is time to be “ordinary.” Just ordinary? How should the Church navigate through Ordinary Time? A hint: It’s not so ordinary!

Singing at Daily Mass? Why Not?

When I would think of daily mass, I tended to think of a quiet experience that is quick. The ones who attend are those who would surely rush off to work afterward. Speed and efficiency would be the way to go, right? A recent experience has me thinking otherwise; why not invest some time singing […]

The Six Categories of Psalms: How We Sing Them

King David Playing the Harp

The Psalms. We sing them at Sunday Mass. At the Liturgy of the Hours. The texts make up Antiphons. Many of our beloved hymns are grounded in the Psalms (such as the very popular “On Eagles Wings” by Michael Joncas, which is a musical setting of Psalm 91. Music ministers often can find musical settings […]